There was some planning and decisions to be made with Kassi's graduation celebration. When we first started talking about what to do for her graduation party there were conversations about having two separate parties - one for family and one for friends. Kassi had BIG ideas for her graduation party. She wanted a mechanical bull. Well, with the rental fee of $800 for three hours and the liability concerns, that was ruled against; even though that's what she kept going back to. She loved the idea of a photo booth, but that too was close to $600 for only three hours. Then there were ideas of a bouncy house thingy, a dunk tank, and a DJ. She could get all that for about the $800. That was going to be the cost before food, drinks, and decorations. Wowzer!! I had no idea how costly this could be. Then the idea was to have two separate celebrations, one for friends to enjoy all the fun things and one for family and close family friends to enjoy some quality time with the graduate.
With the potential cost in the exponentials and with our limited funds, she realized if she wanted more than just food, drinks, and decorations, she was going to have to contribute to the fund. When it came time to decide who would be on which guest list - "Could we invite certain people to both?" became the question, it was decided to only do one party and just make the time longer. As things began to unfold, Kassi didn't want to be the one in the dunk tank - which being the guest of honor she should be but ultimately she would have to be to reduce liability issues; the bouncy house thingy was nonrefundable, if it rained we would get a 'rain check' and would have to utilize the rental another time; and then our beloved DJ became unavailable, as it turned out Kassi's party was the same day as his niece's ceremony and party - totally understandable. It was decided the single party was set for the day after the graduation ceremony, Sunday, May 26th from 1:00 - 8:00 p.m. and then a bonfire for special friends from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Our preparations began weeks before the party. We had to decide on a menu. Something that was not too expensive, could be prepared before, and also provided substance to the guests. We tossed around different ideas. We finally decided from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. we would serve Italian meatballs, sweet and sour meatballs, pasta salad, veggies, and ham and turkey roll-up pinwheels. Then from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. we would have hot dogs/brats, taco in a bag, veggies, pasta salad, and chips, and from 8:00 - 10:00 would be S'mores at the bonfire. I did as much prep as I could before, but really that was only the meatballs (180 meatballs) a couple of weeks before since they could be frozen. I did what prep I could the week of the party, but only till that Friday morning because we house swapped with my in-laws so I wasn't back at our house until the morning of the party. Friday morning I was able to throw together the pasta salad and cook off 5 lbs. of hamburger and prep it as the taco meat.

The party was at our church facility, which we live in the parsonage right next door. So, I returned home the morning of the party still having to make the sauces for the meatballs, ice 130 cupcakes, and finish decorating to round cakes. OH, and the facility still needed to be decorated! Plus, the night before, my mom and three of my aunts helped assemble the ham and turkey roll-up pinwheels, so those still needed to be sliced and plated up. I quickly assembled the sauces and my mother-in-law stood watch and stirred. At one point, my aunt stepped in to help her, too.
Between Mackenzie and my mom, all the cupcakes got iced. I had made the icing a few days ahead of time, so the morning of I just had to divide it, whip it, and color it. I believe all my aunts tried their hand at icing the cupcakes, too. I do know they were enjoying the icing . . .
at least Aunt Janet was!! :)
While I was putting the finishing touches on the cakes, everyone - my mom and dad, MIL and FIL, my hubby, the kiddos, and the grad - was over at the fellowship hall decorating, assembling, and finalizing for the party.
It was so wonderful that my mom and dad came in from Iowa, my Aunt Diane and Aunt Joan from Missouri, and my Aunt Janet from Illinois for Kassi's graduation ceremony, but it was also a blessing they were here to help get things ready for the graduation party. Unfortunately, my autns only got to stay for half the party, but I am so thankful they loaned their hands to help and the time we got to spend with them the day before!!
After it was decided to go with one party and the extra frills were eliminated, the next decision was about the theme. Most grad parties focus around the grad theme, but that definitely didn't/doesn't fit Kassi's personality. We tossed around different theme ideas, but in the end it was decided to go with her favorite colors and animal prints since she spent the bulk of her high school days volunteering at the zoo and the zoo was a big part of her life.
It was amazing how I had envisioned things placed and how, even though I wasn't there to express, the cake table turned out better than I could have imagined. The colors of the icing and the cakes blended so well together.
This was a brilliant guest book idea. We purchased a white graduation gown and Kassi wanted to tie-die it, but apparently you can't tie-die 100% polyester. So, she got fabric spray paint and 'tie-died' it that way. Then the guests used Sharpies to sign and write a message to Kassi. This can be with her where ever she goes. If she ever wants she can hang it on a wall, but she can always keep it hanging in her closet and reflect on all the positive encouraging words family and friends shared with her. A piece of clothing tucked in an inconspicuous place that will always be there in case she ever needs a reminder of what a wonderful young woman she is and all she has to look forward to.

The day was perfect. The weather was better than I could have ever asked for. The guests enjoyed eating - so much we ran out, visiting, and playing corn hole and croquet. It was wonderful to see sooooo many come out and express their excitement for Kassi's accomplishment. We were truly surprised by all those who came. It was a blessing to see so many that have watched Kassi grow up, those who have been a part of her schooling adventures, and those that have become true friends.