Believe it or not there has been illness in our home – and it WON’T go away!!
It all started the first week of December with just your basic common winter cold. CRUD! But by mid Dec. it morphed into something that just keeps hanging on.
We were suppose to host an open house in our home for our congregation on Dec. 18th, but as the date approached individuals were displaying a variety of symptoms. So, on the 17th I took Kassi & Zack to the urgent care and Jay went to the ER. Their symptoms had ranged from an unbearable sore throat to fever to body aches to head aches to chills – a whole gamut of things. I was starting to get a sore throat and had some other cold symptoms.
All their strep tests came back negative. The pediatric doctor went ahead and put Kassi & Zack on antibiotics in case they had secondary sinus infections. But the doc Jay saw said it was viral and would have to run its course.
A decision was made to cancel, at least to postpone to a later date, our open house. Which was good because by the eve before I was running a fever and by Monday I had a major ear ache – to the doc for me to find out I had an ear infection with a bulging eardrum. I spent the week with the whole list of symptoms.
While Jay & I were laid out recovering & once the kids started feeling better this is what they did . . .
Glad they get along so great!!
And I am glad we were all sick together. Now, hopefully we’ll be good for the rest of winter. A couple of us are still fighting the cold symptoms, but hey that’s all part of this crazy winter cool then warm weather.
I believe we are on the upside of this. I think all the kids have rebounded, but Jay & I are still suffering from the common cold crud.
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