Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Well, on the 14th Cassie turned 14. Can you believe she is 14. I think that means I'm getting old(er). Her birthday fell on a Saturday, which of course is the day she helps deliver the weekend shopper bags. Unfortunately, we had so much going on we couldn't work it out and she had to still help deliver. So, we did let her sleep in, but we finally woke her up. Jay sang to her and then she opened her presents.

WAKE UP, birthday girl.

Her siblings gave her a movie and a book on her favorite mammal.

The first thing Cassie asked while I was taking pictures was if her hair looked okay. Can we say "teenager"?


Laura said...

Awwww how cute! Happy Birthday Cassie!

Jennifer James said...

Happy Birthday Cassie! I got a chance to talk with her a little at tween night! She is a neat girl! You are doing a great job mama!!