Wednesday, October 28, 2009

School is a challenge right now . . .

Well, I have to say I miss my school space. What do I mean? The last two places we have resided we had designated areas for our school, granted the kids typically don't like working at a desk or in a classroom per say, but at least there was a place for all our books.

In the home we lived in when we began our homeschooling we had a spare bedroom that was the designated schoolroom. The kids (Cassie & Zack) had their own little desks and I had my own work area. When we moved in with my in-laws five years ago, we had a classroom in the basement. It was smaller than our first, but at least we had a room for our school things. Well, over time we moved the classroom upstairs so we didn't feel like we were in a dungeon, besides we were doing most of our work upstairs anyway. Upstairs we had a designated area with bookcases for all our books and storage for all our supplies.

In our new home, we have limited space upstairs. We are hoping to finish an area in the walkout basement to house all our school supplies and homeschool library. Right now I have my teacher books and curriculum guides in baskets on the edge of the table and I was able to get each of them a rolling storage ottoman to keep their books in. The major problem right now is our homeschool library is still in boxes in the basement corner. So when we are doing something and I want to pull a reference book or something to help illustrate what we're learning, my phrase to the kids is "Well, I'm not sure what box that's in." Not only do we not have the space for bookcases, but we don't have any to use. We left three bookcases behind in OH and we lost two bookcases in the move, so we have no where to put our books.

This day the Cassie & Mackenzie were working at the table (which is where Cassie typically works) and Zack was on my bed. They have sprawled out across the sectional in the great room, but it has limited space once they get their books/materials out.

Mackenzie & I started our insect studies . . . so I got out the wall posters and they are hanging from the light above the dining room table.

I would love to have an area where we can keep all our homeschool supplies (notebooks, pencils, rulers, crayons, markers, etc.), all our craft supplies, all our science experiment supplies, bookcases with our reference library and school books, and a work area for group work. I feel disorganized because I can't find things we need for our studies as they are still in boxes!! Hopefully, we'll be able to resolve this soon!!

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