The new Huntington Park is gorgeous!!
When we first arrived there was a cloud cover in the sky, which made it very cold. We thought we were well prepared for the cold. We all had layered our clothes, having multiple shirts on under heavy sweatshirts, long pants, hats, and even scarves. Unfortunately, we were not prepared for the windy conditions which seemed to make it colder as we walked into the stadium. So, our first stop was the gift shop where we bought a sweatshirt blanket to keep us warm. Oh, we were in for a long night!!
Before the game started the clouds broke and the sun came out. YEAH!! It wasn't as chilly, but it wasn't blistering warm either. It did make it harder to see the game, but I'd rather have some heat and have to shield my eyes while watching than freeze and not enjoy the only Clippers' game we'll probably make it to before we move.
While Jay and Zack went to get our dime-a-dogs, the girls and I sat close to keep warm. The place wasn't packed, but there were a lot of people there. Especially, when we decided we needed more hot dogs, hot chocolate, coffee, and nachos. A couple of times Jay went to check on the food and beverage line to find them ridiculously long.
After a few short innings, the clouds decided to roll back in. Since I still can not stand for long periods of time on my foot, I sent Jay to get the hot beverages. My argument was if he never got in line the line would never get any shorter and we would never end up with any more hotdogs, hot beverages, or my nachos. So he ventured around the stadium with the girls to try and find food.
As the story goes, they found a line and stood there for quite some time, 25 minutes, before they realized the line they were in they could only get hot dogs and beer. The hot beverages and nachos were on the other side, visible but not accessible from the counter line they were waiting in. So, Cassie broke away and waited in the other line so when the hotdogs were purchased they could get the hot beverages and nachos. Great teamwork!
About the time they got back, I thought I felt a raindrop. Oh, was that another one? Cassie thought she felt something, too. Mackenzie decided she wanted to get her poncho out just in case. We sipped our hot beverages and ate our nachos and hotdogs and then all of the sudden those scattered droplets were coming down in a fury. Everyone in the bleachers picked up there belongings and headed up top to try and find shelter from the rain. By then, we were soaked through our layers of shirts. We were wet and colder now.
The grounds crew came out to cover the field. So, we ended up leaving in the middle of the 4th inning, but at least we got to be a part of the new era.
As we were making our way out, Zack noticed the rainbow. The shower didn't last long, matter of fact I think they were playing again by the time we got to our car. Who knows, if we can get tickets, maybe we'll try to catch one last game before we move.
Next week, we're headed to Cleveland to watch the Indians play.
We love dime-a-dog night too! We go with a HUGE group from church and have a fantastic time! We missed last night because of the weather (I heard they were sold out but maybe we'll catch you guys at the next one! :)
p.s. I hope you're feeling better :)
My husband went to that game too! I thought it would be fun to schedule a tween night there. Maybe we can do it before you guys move!
Your pictures are adorable!
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