Saturday, January 23, 2010

Digging out . . .

Well, I don't think we got as much snow as they had originally forcasted, but it was enough to give us a hassle.  This morning when we left to go deliver papers, first we got up and evaluated what we could see and it really didn't look all that bad.  Jay shoveled the main concrete part of the driveway so we could back out.

We got out of the garage and then off the concrete driveway onto the gravel.  When Jay put the van in drive we DIDN'T go anywhere, the tires just kept spinning.  Well, we were trying to decide if I should call the carrier hotline and let them know I couldn't get out of the driveway and I'd go out once the sun started to come up.  Jay worked on digging out around the van and I walked all the way down the driveway to see what the road looked like.  There were deep ruts where a truck had already drove through.  I think it stopped snowing by eight or nine o'clock last night and then thankfully didn't do anything else over night.  I told Jay if we could get out to the road we could just follow the tracks, but he'd have to probably dig out the end of the driveway because the snow had blown enough into a deep drift.  We spent about 40 minutes working on the driveway - just parts - so we could get out.

Once we got out of our subdivision and on to the main road, we hesitated because they were pretty well snow covered.  Keep in mind our whole area was under a "no travel advisory."   We were only driving about 30 mph and kept contemplating turning around, but we got half way to our pick-up location and decided to go on in.  It took us a little longer than normal to deliver because we had to bag the papers and then I had to drive a lot slower in the neighborhood.  On our way home, we had hoped the roads would have been plowed, but they hadn't been so we drove slowly again.

When we got to our neighborhood we were just hoping we'd be able to get up the hill.  We decided to go a different way, that is less hilly, but the road we had to turn on hadn't been traveled so it made for an interesting drive - panic dialogue, "Jay, the road's this way . . . NO, not that way. That's the ditch line. NO. NO. The other way!"  Thank goodness he was patient with me and didn't yell at me for losing my cool!!  We made it home safely!

Believe it or not, not one plow ever came through our area.  Apparently we didn't get enough snow to warrant a plow, but what happens when you don't have a four wheel drive vehicle to get out.

Luckily, one of the congregation members has a snow blower and he called today and asked if we needed any help getting out of our driveway.  Well, Cassie had already gone out and shoveled the main concrete area, but there was no way we could get the gravel part of the driveway shoveled.  To the rescue . . .

Mr. M arrived with his snowblower, and believe it our not he got stuck in the same area of our driveway that we got stuck in earlier this morning. 

Jay helped unload the snowblower and while Mr. M took care of the driveway, Jay dug out the snow around his truck tires.  I'm sure he would have gotten out without Jay's help, but at least Jay felt like he was helping.  LOL

The kids had a fun time playing out in the snow, and watching the snowblower at work.  THANK YOU!!  Mr. M, we so appreciate you helping clear our driveway to make getting out easier!!

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