Saturday, January 16, 2010

Just have to say . . .

We are warmer than our fine weather friends in Ohio . . .

According to our digital thermometer, it is 41.2* at the time I took the photo; however, as I am now typing this post it reads 43.3*. 

And according to the WeatherBug on Google, it is only 36.7* in Pickerington, OH. 

Now, I know it is not nice to brag, BUT I just have to because this will not happen often during the winter months.  Besides, they are already predicting a winter storm, possible blizzard, for a week from tomorrow here in ND. Yay, me!!?? ;{


Laura said...

Hilarious! I'm ready for spring, how about you?!?

Jennifer James said...

Oh my goodness!
It does feel warm here but the beautiful snow is all turning to slush and it's suppose to rain all day tomorrow. Typical OHIO weather!

The Jackson Juniors said...

I know, Laura, I too am sooooo ready for spring. So, if we just think "spring thoughts" will it come???!!

Jenny, I have to say that is the one thing I don't miss about Ohio, is it's weather - slush & rain. I can't really recall, but my husband said it has rained a couple of times since we've been here.