Sunday, January 3, 2010

New favorite cookie

The other night we were all craving cookies.  We were evening willing to eat store bought cookies.  We just wanted something sweet and chocolatey.  Well, considering it was -21*, yes, 21 degrees below zero, Jay nor I wanted to venture out in the cold!!  It was too late to bake cookies because the butter wasn't softened and I didn't have hours to let the cookie dough chill before cooking.  So, I checked different recipe sites to see if I could find a quick cookie recipe . . . no luck!

Well, I found a new recipe from Martha Stewart called Kitchen Sink Cookies.  It sounded really tasty and looked quite yummy, but it called for walnuts and raisins two ingredients not in my baking stash.  However, I had Craisins and peacans, those should work well together.  So, I got up early and baked them yesterday morning. 

Knowing certain kiddos in the house don't like certain ingredients I didn't offer what was in the cookie.  The obvious Craisins didn't appeal to their tastebuds, but I told them they couldn't complain until after they tasted them and if they didn't like them.  Guess what . . . they all liked them even the kiddo who doesn't like coconut nor pecans!!

I think I have found a new favorite!  This recipe with a few adjustments was a hit. I even took a picture because they looked pretty, too.


Angi said...

Your blog always makes me HUNGRY!!! :)

Anonymous said...

They look sooooo good!! Will have to try sometime! Mom

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of the kids. It really makes me miss all of you and your great smiles. Your Christmas sounded wonderful. Stay warm and happy and say your prayers. Debbie