Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Our Black Good Friday

By 8:45 p.m. on Good Friday, we were approaching blackness in our home as we were still without power. We had packed all we could remeber in such a hurry and now we were waiting for Jay's return so we could eat (he was bringing subs from Subway).  Cassie decided to use her reading light to do some quick notes on her school assignments, which I did not get them all typed up for her first two months away.  That was one of the things I was working on, and planning on finishing over the weekend before our electricity went out. 

Oh, it was graduallly getting darker outside and even darker in the house.  We found as many candles as we could to try and light up areas.  Of course, they were Yankee candles so you can only imagine the aroma of the mixture of scents.

Eating by lantern.  The closest I ever want to get to camping; however, I would still like to have all the amenities of power available at my discretion!!

After we ate, we sat around on the sofa.  This picture of Mackenzie & Jay is misleading because with the flash it looks awfully bright in the house.  In reality this is what it looked like . . .

Mackenzie came up with the idea that we should sit around and, with the flashlight below her chin shining staight upwards on her face, "Tell stuuupid stories."  Not scary stories, but "stuuuupid stories."  So, we did.  I tried to get pictures, as each had his own flashlight and when one would turn off the next would turn on and add to the "stuuuupid story."  It was sooooo funny.  It made the fact that we were without power seem to go away briefly. 

When we went to bed, I think we were all hopeful the electricity would come on over night.

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