Saturday, March 6, 2010

Homeschool Field Trip

We have been here for over five months and have not really interacted with any homeschoolers.  Before we got here I tried to tie into the local home school support group, and once we got here I paid the membership fee and got connected.  Well, at least I thought we were connected.  We received the member directory (seems to be several families in the surrounding areas) and were getting the monthly newsletter, but I hadn't gotten fully connected.  I was a little discouraged because we're so use to being connected with other homeschoolers back home through our co-op, Girl Scouts, teen parties, local programs, etc. and we really haven't found those same outlets here. 

The support group is not the same as a co-op so I was, still am a little, feeling discouraged about our homeschooling opportunities here.  Don't get me wrong a support group is great for homeschoolers, but we are so use to having weekly and sometimes multiple weekly activities with homeschoolers back home.  Now they do meet twice a week for phys. ed. classes, but that isn't really what we are looking for.  Back home our co-op had enrichment classes one day a week from 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., then there might be a field trip or social gathering, or some other event, and there were several Girl Scout troops composed of kids from co-op.  Plus the local libraries, the Columbus Art Museum, the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium, the YMCA, and other facilities offered homeschool enrichment classes or activities.  We have not found those same opportunities here either.  Oh, and there wasn't only one co-op in the area there were multitudes of them so, you could find the one that fit your schedule or needs.  Matter of fact, we had just tied into another one that offered junior high and high school classes like school subjects.  Depending on what one was looking for they could find a co-op to meet their needs back home.

Unfortunately, there aren't any co-ops here in the Bismarck area, or at least any that I am aware of.  I think it probably has something to do with the way their governing code is written about homeschooling.  It is unfortunate because they could gain so much from such an opportunity.

Okay, now that I am off that tangent, let me go back to my original reason for this post.  I thought I was connected to the home school support group, but I wasn't fully connected.  It was brought to my attention that I wasn't receiving weekly email updates.  Well, I got in contact with the right party and guess what  . . . I don't feel as disconnected homeschooling here now because they do get together and do things.  I just wasn't getting the info until now.  So, the other day an email came through about an upcoming field trip to the Tesoro Mandan Refinery and we jumped on it.  The kids are so tired of being cooped up & wanted to meet some other area homeschoolers. 

Jay took Mackenzie and Zack and they gathered together in a training room to listen to info about the refinery,  BUT look at all these kids . . .

There are so many and what a great group to try and start a co-op with.  The only problem is, which it is a major obstacle, I don't even know where to start or how to get it off the ground!!  I so want the kids, not just mine, but all these and any other homeschool kids in the Bismarck area to have a wonderful homeschool experience with their peers. 

Okay, anyway they visited the Mandan Refinery and it seems that our two took away some facts.  They are both in the process of writing reports on their experience at the refinery.  Unfortunately, there wasn't much to see, but they did take a few photos of the outside tanks and refinery property.

The kids said they were a little bored, but they did learn a few things and it was nice to see other homeschool kids.  We are so excited about the upcoming field trip on April 2nd (yay, before we leave) to check out behind the scenes at the Dakota Zoo. 

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