Sunday, November 28, 2010

How many?

I have been feeling the pains and stresses of being apart from my other half.  I have been to the doctor more in the past three months than I have been in the past three years.  At my last visit, the doctor told me to try and reduce my stress level because  (apparently) there is a correlation between health and stress. 

Yet again, I am fighting – just one week off antibiotics for an ear infection & soar throat – another head cold.  I’m not sure what is to blame.  Maybe this crazy Ohio weather.  How many Indian summers can there be?  Maybe being pulled in all directions.  Maybe having a FULL calendar of activities.  Maybe no time to catch my breath. 

Today I received this card from my mother-in-law . . .



I am not sure how single parents do it.  How do spouses of deployed military personnel do it?  When there is only one you have to wear many hats and sometimes several in one day.  Oh trust me, if my husband was with us, he would share in wearing these hats so  I wouldn’t have to change so many times in a day. 

I know we all are in different seasons of our lives. I know things make us stronger.  I know I MISS my husband.  I know the kids miss their dad.  I know I am surrounded by family and friends.  I know we will be together soon and I can divide up these hats.

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